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Much more important than being an expert world traveler, I am a cancer-free miracle child. I truly believe the impossible became possible through visiting spiritual centers across the globe: the monasteries at Meteora and Mount Athos in Greece, Jesus’ grave in Jerusalem, the Vatican, the apparition sites in Mexico City, Mexico, Fatima in Portugal, Lourdes in France and much more.
My love for traveling started when my Greek father took me to his homeland at the age of 14. My desire to explore the world only grew after being assaulted by a gang and immediately hospitalized on March 27, 1998. The gang members each received three years in state prison. The following year, when I turned 18 years old, I began traveling like crazy.
My journeys came to a halt at 29. My then Cedars Sinai neurologist William Wei Chow sent me to a shrink, adamantly insisting that I was suffering from absolutely nothing more than severe anxiety. After nearly dying, a specialist got involved and properly diagnosed me with epilepsy. You can watch a video about this by visiting Because of his misdiagnosis and negligence, the tumor was untreated and thus grew. The odds were well stacked against me, but I beat them with God’s blessing. I had a successful brain surgery at University of Southern California on August 7, 2012.
Wow did it hurt when I woke up. What brightened my day when waking up was meeting my nurse, a tall and gorgeous Russian named Anastasia. She ended up becoming my girlfriend. What initially attracted her to me was not my beard, nor the fact I hadn’t showered in over a week. It was the religious icons next to my bed and the fact my mother placed them right next to me. August 7, 2017 marked 5 years since my brain surgery as well as the day I met Anastasia. On this very day, I took Anastasia to USC Hospital, brought over a minister and married her in the chapel. Later that day we told our families.
I recently became a father thanks to my own life being saved. God not only decided to save my life but also overrode my entire body, as if virtually nothing ever happened to me. I have had an appendix removed, a hematoma, a separate pseudo-aneurysm, an eye stroke, temporary paralysis, intractable epilepsy (including a 23-minute seizure!), five vein-related surgeries, a shoulder surgery (because of the assault), five non-cosmetic nose surgeries (again because of the assault) and as aforementioned, a tumor removed from my brain. Because of God’s blessing, at the time of writing I am in the best shape of my life.
To go from a dazed and confused state virtually all day long to the composer of this e-book “How Traveling & the Lord Cured Me of Cancer,” the least I can say is I am humbled, honored and happy. As long as I have His blessing, I will continue to prioritize traveling specifically for the purposes of never-ending self-growth, appreciating His creation of this planet and not least, showing people how visiting spiritual centers can cure their ailments as well. If you find my personal story inspiring and feel this e-book is worth $27, then add it to the cart. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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